Brady and MVP!!

Brady United Against Gun Violence is a non-profit organization dedicated to preventing gun violence across the U.S. Their mission includes public education, advocating for stronger gun legislation, implementing background check systems, holding gun manufacturers and sellers accountable, and dispelling the misconception that gun ownership increases safety.

The organization is named after James “Jim” Brady, a former White House Press Secretary who was left permanently disabled after being shot during the 1981 assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan. Jim’s wife, Sarah Brady, led the organization as chairwoman from 1989 until her passing in 2015.

Brady United focuses on bringing people from diverse backgrounds together to take action and put an end to gun violence. They encourage individuals to sign petitions and raise their voices at local, state, and national levels.

Some of Brady United’s key initiatives include the Combating Crime Guns program and End Family Fire. The organization operates in collaboration with many states in areas such as:

  • Legal efforts: Brady Legal has been involved in cases in more than 40 states and has contributed to significant wins, including at the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • State legislation: 22 states and the District of Columbia have passed laws that strengthen the federal Brady Background Check System.

As the oldest gun violence prevention organization in the U.S., Brady United has a vast network of passionate grassroots activists nationwide.

MVP is proud to be partnered with the Buffalo, NY Chapter of Brady United!

What is the Tiahrt Amendment ?

The Tiahrt Amendment is a series of provisions attached to US Department of Justice appropriations bills that limit law enforcement’s access to gun trace data and other information:

  • Gun trace data

The ATF is prohibited from releasing gun trace data to anyone other than law enforcement agencies during an investigation. This includes data on the number of crime guns traced to specific gun dealers

MVP In Action